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New Energy Landscape Hub Series Season 1 Episode 2: Energy System Integration at the distribution level: key to delivering the EU Green Deal




18 March 2021 - Energy Systems Integration (ESI), also referred to as "sector coupling", will maximise renewable energy production, link energy sources and optimise end uses, according to the Strategy released last July by the European Commission (An EU Strategy for Energy System Integration). It is expected to be a major enabler of greenhouse gas emission reduction on the path towards climate neutrality.

This episode aims to address what Energy Systems Integration means at the level of energy distribution, in relation to the EU Green Deal goals of climate neutrality and resource-efficiency.

The trend towards widespread electrification and decentralised production is driving the electricity distribution sector to explore options for substantial flexibility. The European Union has an extensive gas distribution network within Member States. As bio-methane production grows in the EU, gas distributors are also adapting their operations to renewable and decarbonised gases and to new gas usages in heating (hybrid systems) and transportation. Both the gas and electricity sectors are embracing the challenge of integrating decentralised production into their networks.

Attendees will learn from the panel of experts:

  • How both gas and electricity distributors leverage decentralised production of renewable energy through energy system integration
  • Which solutions will be implemented in the near future
  • How they can partner together to deliver energy efficiency gains and optimise the use of renewable energies
  • What the policy requirements are to ensure successful energy system integration and how EU legislation can effectively address this topic
  • How consumers will be impacted by ESI and how can they be part of this integrative evolution

The audience will be invited to interact with the speakers and progress this discussion forward at an EU level.

Moderator: Ilaria Conti, Head of Gas, Florence School of Regulation

Speakers & Panelists:

  • Paolo Gallo, President, GD4S
  • Roberto Zangrandi, Secretary-General, E.DSO
  • Augustijn Van Haasteren, Team Leader in the DG Energy, European Commission
  • Jean-Laurent Lastelle, Vice-President, Council of European Energy Regulators (CEER)
  • Christophe Grudler, MEP, Rapporteur in the ITRE committee, ESI




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