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GD4S to Commissioner Kadri Simson: RePowerEU 35 bcm biomethane target can be achieved with the direct contribution of gas DSOs

GD4S to Commissioner Kadri Simson: RePowerEU 35 bcm biomethane target can be achieved with the direct contribution of gas DSOs image
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Brussels 23rd May – The day after the publication of the RePowerEU action plan, a delegation of GD4S representatives led by its President, Narcís de Carreras, CEO of Nedgia, met with the EU Commissioner for Energy Kadri Simson. Laurence Poiriez-Dietz, CEO of French DSO GRDF, and Dan Pantilie, CEO of Romanian DSO DGSR, also took part in the meeting.

The meeting took place at a turning point in EU energy and climate policy, amid the energy crisis and the War in Ukraine. The RePowerEU plan sets an EU objective of 35 bcm biomethane production by 2030 to reduce Europe’s reliance on Russian gas imports. It was therefore the right moment to highlight the concrete contribution of DSOs in achieving these renewed ambitions.

GD4S expresses its full support to the REPowerEU’s vision on biomethane and hydrogen and underlines that gas grids are valuable assets for Europe to deliver on its objectives on energy transition and security of supply.

GD4S communicated to the EU Commissioner its assessment on the RePowerEU action plan and what GD4S considers as next priority actions to rapidly scale up the injection of renewable gases into the grids, and safeguard security of supply until next winter:

  • translate the target of 35 bcm biomethane into legally binding objectives for Member States, that should be further reflected in their National Energy and Climate Plans;
  • align key pieces of EU energy policies – Renewable Energy Directive, Gas Package, etc. – with the RePowerEU strategy to rapidly scale-up production and injection of biomethane and hydrogen
  • in the meantime, accelerate containment measures to reduce energy consumption in heating in a fast and cost-effective way by launching a gas boiler replacement campaign (30% energy savings compared to old boilers), and further deploying smart metering.

Concluding the constructive discussion, European Commissioner, Kadri Simson confirmed the strategic role that DSOs have to play in achieving Europe’s energy transition and energy security. GD4S members stated that they are committed to support the Commission with a set of proposals on how gas DSOs could concretely contribute to deliver on the RePowerEU action plan, undertaking short, medium and long-term actions.

Because of our unique role in the distribution of energy to consumers, gas DSOs are very well positioned today to tackle urgent issues such as the energy transition and the energy independence of Europe” stated Narcís de Carreras as President of GD4S. “Our companies are fully committed to play their part thanks to our expertise as local energy suppliers. We stand ready to support, in any way possible, the European Commission to make RePowerEU a success story for European consumers. As this meeting demonstrated, close cooperation is now imperative to establish the right incentives and measures in order to massively accelerate the injection of renewable gases into our grids”.

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